If you know your password, please log in to YourRadar and open the personal application. Here, you may enter your current password, and enter your desired password twice. Please click on the blue [...]
Please log in to the administrative portal of YourRadar and open the drop-down settings menu. Please select the user configurations settings, and click on “user list”. This will display a list of [...]
Please ensure that the URL you are attempting to log in to is correct. Your URL can be found in your training manual and will be in the following format: https://XYZ.yourradar.net (administrative [...]
To add a new inventory item, select the inventory list from the drop-down inventory menu in the navigation bar. This will display a list of all inventory items currently entered in your system. [...]
To update your pricelist, find the job option in the top navigation bar and a hover over “job pricelist/item” to display the pricelist options. Next, click on update pricelist to display the [...]
To close a job, you will need to locate the job in the schedule to determine which employee it was dispatched to. Once you have found the employee to whom the job has been dispatched, you should [...]
In this case, you will need to use the technician interface. Once you have logged in, return to timesheets app, find the job that you want to add another timesheet for, click on view details, and [...]
When creating or editing the job, you need to change the number of installers needed to 2 (or more depending on the job’s requirements) instead of one. This field is found at the very end of the [...]